3D Printing

This week we started our 3D printing unit and the children are all hooked. We are currently trying out designs using different programs and we are working together to decide our final product. The awe on their faces when the printer began was truly amazing, ”Can you actually do this as a job?” asked Zofia. We look forward to sharing our final product with you in a few weeks time.

This week in online safety we have discussed online bullying and ways it can happen. We discussed what we should to if we feel we are being bullied online. In English, we continue our new topic of issues and dilemmas and we are linking this topic with our class text, Krinklekrax.


Please could children wear full school uniform and have their hair tied back.

PE day -Tuesday

Clubs have now started

Forest School- please bring in your outdoor clothing and shoes in a bag, every Monday.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Clack