Forest Schools

Forest School is a holistic and learner-led outdoor education process. It allows children to develop themselves through healthy engagement with risk, problem-solving and self-discovery, all within a natural environment in a hands-on and thoughtful manner.

‘Nature is one of our greatest teachers.’

The Blog

Mass, Maths, Music and More!

Mass, Maths, Music and More!

It has been a busy first full week back to school, we have attended whole school Mass with the Parish and have learnt about the Fourth Commandment in RE. In Music, we started our twentieth century music topic- can you answer some of the questions from our display? In...

Snowy day!

Snowy day!

Tuesday morning was 'amazing'. The first job of the day make as forest snowman. We had two fabulous snowmen. Next job was have a snowball fight on the field. Our last job of the morning was to make a huge snowball, which the children then changed into a chair and then...

Welcome back and Happy New Year

Welcome back and Happy New Year

We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and Happy New Year to you all! We would like to thank you all again for your kind and generous gifts. We have had a great first week back of the new year.  On Tuesday we went to visit the crib in church and discussed what...

The Gallery