
Geography raises and answers questions about the natural and human worlds. 

Children will develop their knowledge and skills about places and environments through the study of interesting topics. They will also investigate issues concerning the quality of the environment and be encouraged to think about their values, rights and responsibilities to other people and for the care of the earth. 

The Blog

From earth to outer space

From earth to outer space

We have worked super hard this week so much that a few of the children were falling asleep in assembly on Friday! Our prayers on the new prayer chair in our classroom were heard and the rain did stop so we’ve been making the most of it while we can. It has been lovely...

Exploring our School

Exploring our School

This week we began our English topic on familiar settings and our Geography topic based on our school. The children's first task has been to go on a treasure hunt being led by riddles about our school. Great fun was had by all and the children enjoyed the reward at...

Year 5 back in the swing

Year 5 back in the swing

We are back in the swing of things in Cherry class - busy as always!! On Monday, we started our Rainforest topic - using the atlas' to locate the rainforests around the world. The children are becoming really confident at using the atlas' and are developing their map...

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